(Bluestar's Prophecy is on a post, sorry for the confusion. From now on, the reviews will all be on this page.)
I am not entirely "for" the idea of reading the mangas, as I am not a comic reader. However, I have been dared many times over by family and friends, to read them. I have agreed to only read one, and see how I like it. I don't know which to read, so. I need your help. On the bar to the left, there is a poll. Choose which one you think was the best. The one with the most votes, is the one I'll read,
On the other hand, I have just finished reading Skyclans Destiny...I will write a review below. It will be in slanted just so that you can tell the review from the writing. Here it is, Skyclans Destinys Review.
SkyClans Destiny
Skyclans Destiny, like other Erin Hunter books, urges readers onward. It was very well written, in fact, I think that it was the best. Sadly, it ends quite quicky, and the book isn't very long compared to other Super Editions, which range around 45 chapters, this one only hit 33. The ending was quite rushed and finished abruptly. It leaves many questions unanswered, and there is some room for more chapters and an epilogue, to explain them. The story was interesting, and it's readable within 4-5 days. All in all, the book left readers in awe.
My Grade
The book left many questions unanswered, also it ended quite abruptly.
Crookedstar's Promise
Crookedstar's promise, I found, is the absolute best super edition that Erin Hunter has made in Warriors. I know you think that I said that about Skyclan's destiny, but this book is more recent. It is plotted in the past. It's in the same time as when Bluestar's Prophecy was supposed to be in, but the life story of Crookedstar. He starts out as Stormkit, but than has an accident in which his mother cannot bear, and switches his name to Crookedkit. In his dreams, Crookedpaw, 'jaw, 'star (through out his life) is being mentored by Mapleshade. He makes a promise to her.... But is it good, or bad? He doesn't know. All those that he loved will die, as a punishment. But why? Well.... you'll have to read the story yourself and figure that out.
My Grade
This book was really well written, sad, happy, disturbing, all at the same time. It's the best I've read of the Super editions so far (and I've read all of them.)