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Sorreltail's Blog


What is Starclan? What!? You have obviously not read any of the books. I suggest that you go and read one of the books, or atleast read the back.

StarClan is the 6th clan....yes the 6th. I'm not going to tell you the 5 until you read the books, and prove to me that you have read the books. To prove to me, you can leave a comment on the the "Ask Sorreltail" post/page. Your comment must contain your name (clan name please). Your position in your clan (I'll help you out:: are you a kit-kitten, paw-apprentice, warrior, deputy, clan leader, or elder-too old to be a warrior and has chosen to retire.) and finally, what book you are planning to read. Read your book, and then leave a comment (on the same page) stating : I'm Ready(stating the same name) I'll ask you some questions (over the same page-lets try to stay in contact) and you can answer them. Not will this only tell you what the 5th clan is, it will allow you to become a member of this site!

Starclan is the clan of the deceased ansestors of the other clans.